Comparing the digital sand table with the architectural model, the advantages are too obvious

The architectural model is divided into digital sand table and traditional sand table. Comparing the two, the former clearly occupies most of the sand table model market. Because the obvious advantages of digital sand table far exceed the advantages of traditional sand table. What is the difference between digital sand table and traditional sand table?

Exhibition hall sand table model

1: Detailed presentation of content

The digital sand table allows participants to enter the electronic sand table, and does not retain all the displayed content. The traditional physical sand table can only be shown to the participants in a fixed proportion, and the participants cannot enter the sand table. During model production, the central content of the physical model will be blocked by the surrounding physical models, so that participants cannot know the detailed text message content of the sand table; while the digital sand table can dynamically display the internal electronic sand table with different proportions at all times. According to the seamless splicing size, the actual operation can be enlarged at will, and even the viewing angles can be rotated and broadcast, so that the electronic sand table should show the detailed content to the participants without reservation.

Two: visual impact

The digital sand table can not only transcend the boundaries of indoor space, but also the change of time. The solid electronic sand table occupies a large area, the cost of disassembly and replacement increases, and the place cannot guarantee flexibility and change. Moreover, if the marking content on the traditional solid sand table is completed, it cannot be replaced with new information. The place of the digital sand table can be reused to instantly change the theme of the electronic sand table. In addition, each graphic element and statistical data information content in the indoor space can be upgraded in time. It is an indispensable display method for the big city planning hall. It can show the changes in the appearance of big cities from generation to generation, allowing participants to follow The visual impact knows the cultural and artistic content of different generations of big cities.


Three: Participation

The digital architecture model can be tested as required and has strong participation. The digital sand table has long overcome the limitation of “watch only”. According to the three-dimensional image and human-computer interaction, it can be integrated into interactive communication, whether it is based on the point. Search for more detailed text messages, or set up special images based on body postures to interact with participants and enhance their interest.