
Predictive models

2019-07-08T16:51:14+08:00By |Blog|

            The predictive model, by its very nature, is used toforecast the future. Predictive models are based on theassumption that the situation is an established ratherthan an emergent one. In the case of an establishedsituation, the relevant environmental conditionsare given and predictable, whereas in an emergentsituation some of these conditions


2019-07-08T16:25:53+08:00By |Blog|

The experimental nature of developing a design idea canlead to new avenues of exploration, which will often provideunforeseen and exciting results. Models can be a very usefulmedium through which to both generate and then furtherexplore ideas that may be subsequently applied across arange of scales. Considered as modes of inquiry, models acilitate the pursuit of novel ideas that

Design development models

2019-07-08T16:24:13+08:00By |Blog|

         Design development or ‘process’ models are effectivelythree-dimensional sketches through which novel ideasare explored and tested but not necessarily concluded.The relationship between design development modelsand final presentation models is not always clear. Notall presentation models are the result of a sequence ofdesign development models; in some cases a presentationmodel is a design

Site/city models

2019-07-08T16:20:50+08:00By |Blog|

           This type of model represents urban or naturalenvironments. Following on from the concept model,it is the first step in the actual representation processsince it shows the design’s relationship with the existingenvironment. In terms of urban space, it is important toshow how the context changes with the addition of anew structure.

Finishing techniques of architecture model making

2019-07-08T15:49:18+08:00By |Blog|

Architecture model making When architecture model making comes to finishing presentation models thehighest standard is often expected to convey the level ofprofessionalism a design practice would want to show.This means careful consideration to the finished look of amodel. Perhaps the proposed scheme has a specific set ofcolours used throughout the design or requires a minimalapproach

A architecture model maker need those tools

2019-07-05T17:46:11+08:00By |Blog|

               There is a set of basic tools that a architecture  model maker needs inorder to make models out of commonly used materialsincluding paper, cardboard, and wood. Clearly, themore elaborate the model under construction, thegreater the need for additional tools with which towork the materials. Therefore, it is worth mentioning

A brief history of making architecture model-one

2019-07-05T17:18:08+08:00By |Blog|

The first recorded use of architectural models dates back to the fifth century BC, when Herodotus, in Book V, Terpsichore, makes reference to a model of a temple. Whilst it may be inspiring to believe that scale models were used in the design of buildings from ancient civilizations, this appears highly unlikely. This is because