Architectural models have been a critical aspect of the design process for professional and aspiring architects for decades. Models are a way for architects to bring their proposals to life, demonstrating their vision to clients, teachers, and residents in a way that sketches cannot.

Here are some reasons why creating models in architecture is so important:

  1. Models Highlight Features That Sketches Cannot Models can showcase the features and utility of a planned structure in a way that sketches or computer-generated images cannot. Models provide a detailed sense of scale and allow you to situate a project, demonstrating to stakeholders how it will fit into its environment and serve its primary functions.
  2. Models Are a Demo for Potential Clients Models serve as a kind of ‘demo’ for potential clients or customers. It allows architects to demonstrate the features of a building and persuade clients to move forward with the project. Models also help architects collect feedback from stakeholders and incorporate suggestions for improvement.
  3. Models Are an Essential Part of the Creative Process Models are just as important for the architect and the firm as they are for external stakeholders and clients. Creating a model gives designers a chance to see their vision in miniature, identify flaws, and explore new design ideas.
  4. Models Are Necessary for Mixed-Use Building Projects Models are essential for mixed-use, public building projects such as airports, convention centers, or hospitals. They allow architects to demonstrate accessibility, navigation, and how well the building will fit into the surrounding environment.
  5. Models Are Often Needed for Legal Approval Process Architectural models are also a key component of the legal process needed to secure approval for a new building. City planners and permit vendors will request to see models of the planning building to ensure it meets zoning requirements.

In conclusion, architectural models are a critical tool for architects in the design process. They provide a tangible representation of a building’s features, functionality, and scale, as well as aid in obtaining legal approval for a project. As such, models are as close to the first draft of a building as we can possibly get.