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So far admin has created 97 blog entries.

HC models ,Architectural Model Making Specialists

2019-07-03T13:10:13+08:00By |News|

HC models ,Architectural Model Making Specialists HC models is a long established model making company with a reputation for high quality and excellent service. Click here to see testimonials from our satisfied customers. We specialise in architectural models, but we also create industrial models, exhibition models, display models, fibreglass models, and topographical models. We even

we create the highest-quality architectural models for our clients.

2019-07-03T13:03:39+08:00By |News|

we create the highest-quality architectural models for our clients. A combination of extensive research, years of experience, and close communication with the client produces such quality on which we pride ourselves. With each project, there are important things to consider before we get started. Want a sneak peek into our design and development process? Read

Models Client Comments

2019-07-03T12:45:46+08:00By |News|

Client Comments "Thank you for the model you recently made of Chesapeake's original complex Three Chopt Square, it is incredible. Your precision and attention to detail is extremely impressive and I am grateful and honored to have this timeless reminder of our growth and evolution as a company" Aubrey K. McClendon "Your work on the

The Many Aspects of Building Cost Effective Quality Models

2019-07-03T12:43:56+08:00By |News|

The Many Aspects of Building Cost Effective Quality Models Models Are Communicators Details do count, many people do not understand abstract models.  Many times models that aren’t detailed raise more questions than they answer.  It is just a fact the more detailed a model the more it communicates.  A good example of just such a

Why Use Models?

2019-07-03T12:39:38+08:00By |News|

Why Use Models Models are an excellent Communication Tool      An Architectural Model tells a story that everyone can understand and the story starts the second your eyes see the model.  The story may last 15 seconds for an overview, or it may last 30 minutes for the interested viewer.     The power presentation models possess

Buildings are increasingly designed in software with CAD (computer-aided design) systems

2019-07-05T16:56:50+08:00By |News|

Virtual modeling Buildings are increasingly designed in software with CAD (computer-aided design) systems. Early virtual modelling involved the fixing of arbitrary lines and points in virtual space, mainly to produce technical drawings. Modern packages include advanced features such as databases of components, automated engineering calculations, visual fly-throughs, dynamic reflections, and accurate textures and colours.[2][3] As

Project managers discuss the plant development using an architectural model

2019-07-03T12:32:31+08:00By |News|

Project managers discuss the plant development using an architectural model Architectural models are used by architects for a range of purposes: Ad hoc models, or sketch models, are sometimes made to study the interaction of volumes, different viewpoints, or concepts during the design process. They may also be useful in explaining a complicated or unusual design

Sand table model how to clean maintenance, model dust removal, sand table cleaning, sales model sanitary cleaning

2019-06-26T16:35:54+08:00By |News|

1, clean building can use small brush to clean the dust, stubborn dust can be easily cleaned with wet wipes. 2, environmental cleaning can use micro vacuum cleaner, deal with some of the dust on the lawn, road and water surface can be wiped with wet wipes, flowers and trees can use light oil cleaning,

How to choose a good sand table model production company

2019-06-26T16:35:02+08:00By |News|

How to choose a good sand table model production company How to choose a good model company to complete the project model of the company, which is the first time many companies to model problems encountered. If on the Internet as long as the input model of the company, will have a number of N