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So far admin has created 97 blog entries.

The making of architectural models is often seenas a highly skilled craft preoccupied with accuracy

2019-07-08T14:39:07+08:00By |News|

                 The making of architectural models is often seenas a highly skilled craft preoccupied with accuracy, andwhilst this may be relevant to presentation models it doesnot automatically result in a good model. It is eminentlypossible to make creative and provocative models withoutlaborious and time-consuming techniques, and a widerange

The selection and composition of media

2019-07-08T14:35:54+08:00By |News|

The selection of the materials to be used to make amodel depends on its purpose, the stage of the designprocess and how quickly it needs to be constructed. Inorder to determine which materials are appropriate, it isimportant, as described above, to think about the levelof abstraction and the scale required. If a model is to

MACHINE which architecture model maker need .

2019-07-05T17:49:56+08:00By |News|

                  These basic and affordable tools will serve themodelmaker time and time again although more specificmachinery and tools may be required to enable a widervariety for materials to be handled effectively. Indeed,the majority of professional architectural modelmakershave the same workshop tools as carpenters including:handsaws, files, planes, chisels

A architecture model maker need those tools

2019-07-05T17:46:11+08:00By |uncategorized|

               There is a set of basic tools that a architecture  model maker needs inorder to make models out of commonly used materialsincluding paper, cardboard, and wood. Clearly, themore elaborate the model under construction, thegreater the need for additional tools with which towork the materials. Therefore, it is worth mentioning

Architectural model making now

2019-07-05T17:34:26+08:00By |News|

architectural model making now Why use physical models to describe and explore the qualities of architecture? This question seems even more pertinent given the significant rise of computers engaged in the architectural design process. The most obvious answer lies, of course, in the actual tangibility of such models that, unlike their cropped and flat counterparts,

A brief histroy of scale model making-Three

2019-07-05T17:25:04+08:00By |News|

From this point on, the scale model was re-established as a vital design tool for architecture. The design-development model was to have an important role in the conception and refinement of countless built and unbuilt projects of the Modernist era. For example, there was Gerrit Rietveld’s attempt to give architectural form to the ideas about

A brief history of model making -two

2019-07-05T17:22:41+08:00By |News|

During this period, the proliferation and status of the architectural scale model grew significantly. It not only complemented drawings, but also frequently became the primary method for the communication of design ideas in architecture. In particular, specialized models were made as part of the design process for major building commissions. Two such important examples were

A brief history of making architecture model-one

2019-07-05T17:18:08+08:00By |uncategorized|

The first recorded use of architectural models dates back to the fifth century BC, when Herodotus, in Book V, Terpsichore, makes reference to a model of a temple. Whilst it may be inspiring to believe that scale models were used in the design of buildings from ancient civilizations, this appears highly unlikely. This is because

Why we make architecture models?

2019-07-05T15:31:34+08:00By |News|

Why we make models? The representation of creative ideas is of primary importance within any design-based discipline, and is particularly relevant in architecture where we often do not get to see the finished results, i.e. the building, until the very end of the design process. Initial concepts are developed through a process that enables the