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So far admin has created 97 blog entries.

Digital and camera technology

2019-07-08T16:01:39+08:00By |News|

This particular type of media raises an important issue earlier in this book, is an abstraction of reality to avariable degree depending on its purpose. One of themost immediate ways in which such abstraction is evidentis in the scale of a model. The distance created betweenan architectural model, and the awareness of the viewer’s Gap’. In


2019-07-08T15:59:03+08:00By |News|

Photomontages may be highly effective representational toolsas they enable the designer to incorporate large amounts ofinformation and atmosphere, and communicate this to theviewer. The careful positioning of the camera when settingup this type of image provides a more realistic view of thebuilding and needs to be from a similar perspective as thesite context, making the

Photography and film in model making

2019-07-08T15:56:12+08:00By |News|

Photography and film in model making   Our visual experience of space and form relies uponour optical contact with the real world. Therefore,when a two-dimensional image is compared witha physical model, the latter – by displaying actual,visual, physical space and depth cues – appears closerto reality. Additional information collected throughour other senses, such as touch

Finishing techniques of architecture model making

2019-07-08T15:49:18+08:00By |uncategorized|

Architecture model making When architecture model making comes to finishing presentation models thehighest standard is often expected to convey the level ofprofessionalism a design practice would want to show.This means careful consideration to the finished look of amodel. Perhaps the proposed scheme has a specific set ofcolours used throughout the design or requires a minimalapproach

Computer Numerical Control is the process of cutting material with a computerised milling or router machines

2019-07-08T15:38:05+08:00By |News|

          Computer Numerical Control is the process of cuttingmaterial with a computerised milling or router machines.CNC technology has been around for quite a numberyears making CNC machining a very versatile andeffective way of profiling sheet material into a design ormilling thicker material to create 3D objects and reliefs. CNC Machines are

One of the significant advantages of using computers

2019-07-08T15:29:16+08:00By |News|

One of the significant advantages of using computers in the model making early stages of the design development process is that it is possible to create and modify forms and structuresthat would be very difficult to do with physical models,especially designs based on complex organic geometry.However, if CAD had provided an effective substitutefor physical scale models, there

Steel and other metalwork

2019-07-08T15:18:22+08:00By |News|

For the purpose of architectural models, metal is typicallyused in sheet form to represent cladding or other buildingfinishes, although metal rods, sections and mesh maybe incorporated to model structural elements and othercomponents. These sheets are available in a varietyof thicknesses. There is a wide choice in the visualappearances that can be achieved using these materialssince


2019-07-08T15:14:21+08:00By |News|

Of course, one of the main materials used in the buildingindustry is concrete. This is usually precast or cast in situ,depending on the design, cost and sequence of construction adopted. It can be a useful exercise to test design componentsby working with the actual materials directly, where available. 1.Softwood blocks are cut atsuitable lengths, to be


2019-07-08T15:11:52+08:00By |News|

         In the modelling sequence below, it is possible to see thedifferent stages of the design process for the developmentof the form of ARCAM, Amsterdam, by René van Zuuk. Thesculptural shape of the design is evolved through a processof contouring a piece of plasticine from a basic trapezoidalblock to a much more