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3D printed architectural models

2020-09-23T15:13:31+08:00By |News|

3D printed architectural models refer to architectural models, sand table models, landscape models, and miniature models made by 3D printing equipment. For example, the architectural model is one of the indispensable tools in the sales center, and the surrounding situation of the community, planning, transportation, environment, supporting facilities, etc. can be seen clearly on the

Military sandbox

2020-09-23T15:00:45+08:00By |uncategorized|

In military-themed movies and television works, we often see commanders standing in front of a terrain model studying combat plans. According to topographic maps, aerial photographs or on-the-spot topography, the model made of sand, war chess and other materials in a certain proportion is a sand table. The sand table has the characteristics of strong


2020-09-23T14:49:09+08:00By |uncategorized|

There are many materials for building model making, mainly divided into four categories: (1) Chemicals: quartz glass, sponge, plexiglass, chloroform, paint, UHU glue, A glue, ABS rubber sheet, engineering plastics, synthetic plastic plate, foam board, etc. (2) Plants: wood board, multilayer board, high density board, bamboo strip, cardboard, etc. (3) Lights: LED lights, rice bulbs,

The largest 3D printed building in the world

2020-09-23T14:43:03+08:00By |uncategorized|

Dubai is the most populous city in the UAE. It already has the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, which has 160 floors and a height of 2,717 feet. Today, the city has a new architectural feat: the largest 3D printed building in the world. This building will be used as an administrative office by


2019-07-08T16:59:23+08:00By |News|

There are a number of key words relating to the practice ofarchitectural modelmaking that are typically understood byeveryone but may be interpreted differently, giving rise toambiguity if not misunderstanding. In the interest of clarity, itis valuable to provide a definition of the more significant wordsand phrases used in this book. Perhaps most importantly, it isworth starting with

Modelling the future

2019-07-08T16:57:58+08:00By |News|

           We  described a vast spectrum of models,investigating what they may be made from, explainingwhy they may be produced and discussing how theyprovide different modes of inquiry in architecture. Theuse of models as a medium and mechanism throughwhich the development of architectural knowledge anddesign innovation can be produced remains paramountto the

Explorative models

2019-07-08T16:55:09+08:00By |News|

             The main purpose of the explorative model is to discoverother realities by speculation. This speculative processinvolves systematically varying the parameters usedin the descriptive model in order to identify thosealternatives that are logically possible. In the contextof architecture, models produced as part of the design-development process can be considered explorativemodels.

Evaluative models

2019-07-08T16:53:05+08:00By |News|

           The purpose of the evaluative model is to explore ordescribe something such as properties or experiencesthat are not manifest in the model itself but are relatedto it. The evaluative model differs from predictive andexplorative types since with these last-mentioned it isthe model itself that attempts to assist the understandingof reality